Take the Survey!

Click here to participate. 

The deadline for the survey will be February 11, 2018

What is the purpose of the survey and how long will it be available? 
The survey was created to gather opinions and perceptions of the Chancellor’s Reorganization Plan and planning process. We hope to determine the degree of support for the plan among stakeholders as well as the extent to which they have specific beliefs about it. The survey is open from December 11, 2017 to February 11, 2018

Who can take the survey? 
The survey is open to all who would like to take it. Participants are asked to indicate their relationship to the University (Student, Employee, Carbondale community member, etc.) so that the responses of different groups may be analyzed separately. The survey website has been set up so that individuals cannot take it multiple times.

Didn’t the Chancellor’s office already do a survey and collect feedback? 
The Vision 2025 survey that took place at the beginning of Fall 2017 did not gather suggestions for organizational restructuring or assess opinions about features of the Chancellor’s Reorganization Plan. Those survey results were released in January 2018. The Chancellor’s Office website is currently collecting open-ended feedback. Details of this feedback have not been reported.

Where did the questions on the survey come from?
 The survey was proposed and designed by the campus outreach subcommittee of the CCC. The subcommittee contacted representative organizations of SIUC employees and students and asked them to provide questions specific to the concerns of the populations they represent. All of these suggested questions were included in the survey. Additional questions were written by the subcommittee to achieve the survey goals outlined above.

Was the survey reviewed and approved by an institutional review board?
 Yes. The SIUC Human Subjects Committee (HSC) reviews research involving human subjects conducted by University Students and Employees. The HSC reviewed the survey’s research protocol and approved it before the survey was launched.

Who gets what questions?
 All survey participants are asked to indicate the extent of their agreement to the following 10 questions:
·      I was given opportunities to participate in the Chancellor’s reorganization planning.
·      I have received the information I need to understand the Chancellor’s reorganization plan and its impact on both SIU Carbondale and the people associated with it.
·      I support the Chancellor’s plan for the organizational restructuring of the University.
·      I support the Chancellor’s plan for the elimination of academic departments and department chairs.
·      The Chancellor’s planned reorganization will improve student enrollment at SIU Carbondale.
·      The Chancellor’s planned reorganization will save SIU Carbondale money.
·      Feedback about the Chancellor's reorganization plan, including any concerns, has been considered and adequately addressed by the Chancellor’s office.
·      Nothing I can do will impact the details or implementation of the Chancellor’s reorganization plan.
·      I trust Chancellor Montemagno to act in the best interests of SIU Carbondale and the people associated with the University.

Additional questions are included depending on the participant's role (faculty, student, community member, etc.). All survey questions and programming details are available by request.

Is the survey biased?
 Best practices for human subjects research and survey construction were followed in the design and implementation of the survey. The survey was not created in opposition to the Chancellor’s plan and does not suggest that negative outcomes will arise from the reorganization. The ten common survey items that all survey participants receive were purposefully phrased positively (i.e., so that agreement with the statements indicate support for the Chancellor's reorganization and proposed changes). While some items presented to SIUC employees reference potential negative consequences that have been discussed publicly by those opposed to the plan, these items were included to gauge how widespread and serious these concerns are among employees. The CCC encourages all supporters of the Chancellor's plan to participate in the survey. We aim to achieve a representative sample of SIUC stakeholders.

When will results of the survey be posted? 
The survey results will be posted on the CCC website on or before Monday, February 19, 2018.  Survey data will be available by request.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please email cccsiuc@gmail.com
Results of the survey will be made publicly available. 

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